Friday, November 22, 2013

6 Months

Today my little man makes six months old.  Meaning that he has already been here by my side for half-a-year.  Needless to say, I'm kind of an emotional wreck right now.  My heart strings are being heavily pulled from both the happy and sad ends.  I'm sitting here wishing that time could pause for a second because he is just so perfect the way he is right now.  I'm working on being in the moment.  Right now I know that I am blessed.  Blessed to have a happy healthy baby who brightens my world and tugs at my heart strings.  I'm blessed to be surrounded by so much support from both our family and friends.  I'm blessed to know that as perfect as my baby is right now, as he grows, he will always be perfect to me.

Milestones:  Oh my this has been a month of growth in leaps and bounds.  You love to give mama hugs and kisses all the time; especially when you wake her up in the morning at 6 am.  You are the most loving child I have ever known.  You enjoy taking walks outside and you usually fall asleep against mamas chest.  You even started to blow raspberries all over mama and dadas tummies.  You enjoy it when mama and dada hide under the covers with you and play peek-a-boo.  You love to bite on everything, particularly your fingers (or Aunty Amber's knee.)  For the most part you were drooling waterfalls but since mama got you the teething necklace the drooling eased up and you don't have to worry about having skin irritations around your neck.  Your hair is finally starting to grow back again and thicken!  You've decided that its just about time to creep and crawl to your destination.  Mama has to be extra careful now-a-days so that you don't get anywhere unsafe.  When we put you on the bed, you like to roll over and over and over because you think its hilarious.  You can sit up all by yourself!  When you get overly tired, you get delusional and funny because you laugh at everything and anything.  You're ticklish on your tummy, neck and sometimes your feet.  When you babble sometimes it sounds like you're saying "hi" or "ma" or even "yeah."  You are so quiet and observant when we go out but when you're at home or in the car seat there is nothing that can keep you from voicing your opinions.  We love to hear everything you have to say!  You are starting to become a squirmy worm from time to time and we need to make sure to carry you very carefully because sometimes you throw yourself backwards.  You love to play with cups and straws, especially in the bath tub.  You don't know how to suck up anything from the straw but you do enjoy gnawing on them.  We've officially outgrown the infant tub this month and graduated to the big boy tub but of course mama or dada have to bathe with you.  You like to take off Aunty Cheyne and Dada's glasses.  Yesterday, you even pulled myself up to standing.  You have this habit of scratching my head and face, which drives my mama absolutely bonkers.  Mama has to cut my nails every single day.  You usually go to bed around 7 pm and wake up at 6 am with several naps in the daytime but you did go on a nap strike for a 48 hour period where you took no naps, went to sleep at 4 pm and woke up at 4 am, which mama did not appreciate.  you love to be cuddled and mama usually nurses me to sleep at night but sometimes you just cuddle up and put myself to sleep all on my own.  My nursing sessions have slowed down in frequency.  You only nurse a few times a day but for longer durations.  You think its hilarious when my mama does squats while holding me. You have a ton of toys and you love to play with all of them.  When toys are out of my reach, you always figure out how to get them.  

We went on a whole lot of different adventures this month too.  On your first Halloween you got to be a minion from despicable me and you were definitely the cutest minion ever.  We went to visit daddy's side of the family in Kapolei. We didn't do a whole lot of trick or treating but we did take you for a walk around the neighborhood and you enjoyed looking at everyone's different costumes.  Thank goodness there were minimal amounts of scary costumes that evening.  That night we spent the very first night away from home at mima's house.  Although mima, Aunty Sherri and even grandma and grandpa on daddy's side were all spending Halloween in Las Vegas. 

We went to whole lot of different parks, museums, malls and gardens with mama and dada.  We went to visits at grandma and grandpas where we had dinner with the missionaries.  We went to visits at mima's house and spent time with cousins.  We would even walk around the mall in early mornings with Aunty Suzi, Aunty Kellie and cousin Eden.  We had a few visitors this month including Aunty Dominique and Aunty Amber.  Both Aunty Kellie and Aunty Dominique went to Disney Land and brought me home cute t-shirts.  We even got to hang out at the mall one day with Aunty Shelby and my friend Chevelle.  We didn't go to the beach very much this month but hopefully mama and dada will take me more next month.

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