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These shots are technically two days ago. 34weeks5days. |
How far along: 35 weeks
Besides the fact that its rather hot all the time. I've actually been sleeping fine. I think it has to do with the fact that by the time I get to bed I am legitimately tired and all I want to do is cuddle up to Alex. I only wake up maybe two to three times a night to pee.
Symptoms I have:
Heartburn sometimes.
I have this pain underneath my left shoulder blade some times when I walk all day
annnnd plenty of Braxton Hicks going on at night.
Maternity clothes:
None technically. My wonderful cousin did buy me a bunch of mens t-shirts from work with her discount since they're longer, roomier and far more comfy. Also, I finally bought the dress I plan to labor in and i'm also gonna double up my use of it by wearing it at my baby shower.
None technically. My wonderful cousin did buy me a bunch of mens t-shirts from work with her discount since they're longer, roomier and far more comfy. Also, I finally bought the dress I plan to labor in and i'm also gonna double up my use of it by wearing it at my baby shower.
Coffee! something I of course don't give in too. I've been pretty good about the diet/exercise thing. Coconut water.
40 1/2 inches around.
Gaining about a half a pound a week.
My baby likes to make my belly look all awkward. Its cute though cause I can feel him moving around so so so much. For some reason or another he likes to hang out on my left side. I'm pretty sure what his schedule is gonna be like when he comes out being that it'll be probably be similar to what it is now. He's usually up around ten, wakes me up again around one in the morning, once more at four and than we're up for good by six.
Belly button: I'm an outie.
Best moments of the week:
Spent time with everyones babies this week. Namely Eden and Lily.
Spent time with everyones babies this week. Namely Eden and Lily.
Picked some strawberries out of our aquaponics system.
Don't forget to check out our blog acponics.blogspot.com
Hung out with my family a bit last week.
Making use of foods that were just sitting in our pantry and turning it in to deliciousness.
Looking forward too:
Getting my parents system set up so that its consistently running well.
My baby shower tomorrow!
Meeting my baby <3
Side Note:
My doc said that as I go into week 36 it would be totally cool if baby arrived. He's weighing in at a solid 6 lbs at least which is awesome because at least I know that development wise, he would be 100% totally okay if he does decide to make his appearance soon.
I just wanted to put it out into the universe that i'd really really really like this sling. I'm really bummed I couldn't enter the sling diaries contest the beginning of this month considering that I did not have my baby yet. :( but yes i'd really like this particular one. Its the Sakura Bloom sling in wheat. Realistically any Sakura Bloom sling would be a blessing, i'm just generally quite fond of this color.
I just wanted to put it out into the universe that i'd really really really like this sling. I'm really bummed I couldn't enter the sling diaries contest the beginning of this month considering that I did not have my baby yet. :( but yes i'd really like this particular one. Its the Sakura Bloom sling in wheat. Realistically any Sakura Bloom sling would be a blessing, i'm just generally quite fond of this color.
Also, check out this website for a good laugh. - Pregnant Husband
This should really go in my next post but anyway, i've spent a good amount of time prepping our cloth diapers this week. We've decided to use bummis organic cotton prefolds with thirsties duo wrap covers with snaps. All in all we've been using Charlies Soap but after a good amount of research i've decided to begin making our own laundry detergent which is safe to use both for our cloth diapers as well as our own clothes. Switching laundry detergent will help since we won't have to worry about detergent build up. Recipe for the detergent can be found here.